Friday 5 October 2012

Evangelicals in Jerusalem

Big day for evangelical Christians in Jerusalem yesterday.  Thousands marched in support through the city to demonstrate their support for Israel.  It was quite a jamboree, as the picture in the report shows -

It's not known if the evangelicals will be marching in support of fellow Christians in Bethlehem, Ramallah and elsewhere. Nearly 10% of Palestinians living in the West Bank are Christians.  They represent some of the oldest Christian communities in the world.

It's also not known if the evangelicals condemned the Price Taggers, a shadowy extremist Jewish group whose members attack Palestinian property to exact a 'price tag' for acts they believe harm settler's interests in the West Bank.  Price Taggers are quite happy to wreck Christian property too.  In fact they did so only two days before the evangelicals big march - see and

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